Cơ hội việc làm Business Control Manager

Business Control Manager

Địa điểm
Dĩ An Bình Dương
Mức lương
$2,500〜$3,000 (Lương theo tháng)
Ngành nghề
Y tế & Cơ sở y tế
Hình thức
Nhân viên chính thức

Mô tả công việc

【Job Responsibilities】

・Responsibility for internal control & finance

・Design, plan and execute and improve the financial and accounting policies and operation following the company's regulation, internal controlling procedure like SOX

・Check and make sure documentation as per internal procedure

・Document and check internal controlling regulation (financial statements, financial systems and ERP system)

・Check documents and advise proper business scheme from Vietnamese company law, tax law, accounting regulations

・Ensure legal and regulatory compliance with all reporting, accounting and audit requirements

・Responsible for HR matter, payroll, recruitment, policies and administration department

・Other tasks assigned by Line managers

Yêu cầu ứng viên

【Requirement Skill】

<Necessary Skill / Experience >

・Bachelor degree - Finance, Accounting and business related

・Gender: Any

・Age: 35- 55 years old

・Working experience of accounting, internal control, HR, General Affairs or related field over 8-10  years

・Having working experience in a middle to large foreign company

・Language : English Upper Business level (for internal and use in meeting) 

・Having can-do attitude and work independently

<Preferable Skill / Experience >

・Use Japanese is advantage

Quyền lợi

Not Yet

Thời gian làm việc

【Working Day & Time】

7:30-16:30(Monday to Friday ) 

*Saturdays may be available if necessary due to business situation

Đơn ứng tuyển

Họ và tên *
Số điện thoại
Địa chỉ email *
Ngày sinh *
Tỉnh/Thành phố *
Quận/Huyện Phường/xã
Địa chỉ
Giới tính *
Kinh nghiệm
Thời gian sẵn sàng để làm việc
CV *

E.g: Uploaded-CV-file.pdf

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