Cơ hội việc làm Human Resource Management/ Manager

Human Resource Management/ Manager

Địa điểm
Nam Từ Liêm Hà Nội
Mức lương
20,000,000 đ〜40,000,000 đ (Lương theo tháng)
Ngành nghề
Nhân sự
Hình thức
Nhân viên chính thức

Mô tả công việc


Yêu cầu ứng viên


※​​Please kindly read and understand the job requirements carefully before considering applying.

Thank you!!


・Having an abundant knowledge of HR speciality

・Strong Problem Solving Skills & Experience in actual result-oriented business-site

・Who has the ability & skill of setting the Purpose, the Target & the Working Process

・Strong Verbalizing, Communication & Good listening Skill(not about foreign language)

・Over 5 year experience as HRM in Foreign investment company 

・Strong willingness to take on the challenges of a new environment and job, regardless of age.

・Experience in designing, building, and implementing HR systems, HR strategies, and training systems by taking the lead on your own initiative, rather than under the direction of a supervisor.

・Strong Logical thinking skill

・Those who have not set “stability & relief”  as the most important purpose/goal in their career

・Always calm and cool,but having an internal strong emotion.


・HRM experience in an organization with a flat management style rather than top-down

・The working experience as HRM for over 500 ppl company

・The working experience in Middle〜Large Scale Start-up company

【Who are you】

・Vietnamese Native

・Under 40yrs

・Graduated from MBA or HR related faculty in Foreign University

・Extensive experience in identifying problems in human resources, employee training,  personnel systems, evaluations, etc. within the company, developing solutions, and actually working on problem-solving practices.

Thời gian làm việc

Thời gian làm việc: Fulltime từ Thứ 2 - Thứ 5

Khung thời gian làm việc: 8h00 - 17h30, nghỉ trưa 1,5h

Đơn ứng tuyển

Họ và tên *
Số điện thoại
Địa chỉ email *
Ngày sinh *
Tỉnh/Thành phố *
Quận/Huyện Phường/xã
Địa chỉ
Giới tính *
Kinh nghiệm
Thời gian sẵn sàng để làm việc
CV *

E.g: Uploaded-CV-file.pdf

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