Cơ hội việc làm Internal IT Administrator

Internal IT Administrator

Địa điểm
Mê Linh Hà Nội
Mức lương
$800〜$2,000 (Lương theo tháng)
Ngành nghề
Kỹ sư Mạng
Hình thức
Nhân viên chính thức

Mô tả công việc

【Job Responsibilities】

・Maintenance, management, and troubleshooting of in-house networks, systems, and servers

・Development and execution of security strategies, ensuring the establishment and adherence to security policies

・Providing technical support and solutions for IT-related issues

・Conducting support and training for in-house users, aiding in the optimal utilization of IT resources

・Planning and executing system upgrades and the introduction of new technologies at appropriate intervals

・Striving for efficiency and optimization of IT infrastructure

・Coordination and reporting with the IT department at the Japan headquarters, as well as executing and driving communication and collaboration with external vendors.

・Management and guidance of internal staff.

Yêu cầu ứng viên

【Required Skills and Experience】

・Strong English or Japanese fluency

・Experience in maintaining and managing IT systems (networks, servers, databases, etc.)

※Manager:over 5 years experience in related fields

※Staff:Over 2 years experience in related fields

・Who understands and is able to work in a large-scale manufacturing facility.

・Knowledge and practical experience in security measures (firewalls, security policies, vulnerability management, etc.)

・Experience in user support and training

・Project management skills and excellent problem-solving abilities

・Understanding of new technologies and experience in their implementation

・Communication skills and experience working in a team

【Desirable Skills(not mandatory)】

・Knowledge of programming or scripting languages (Python, PowerShell, etc.)

・Experience with cloud services (AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.)

・Experience in managing big data

・Certification in IT-related fields (Cisco, CompTIA, Microsoft, etc.)

Quyền lợi


・Daily Commuter Bus from Hanoi Central

Thời gian làm việc

【Working Day】

Monday-Friday & Saturday(2 times/month)

Đơn ứng tuyển

Họ và tên *
Số điện thoại
Địa chỉ email *
Ngày sinh *
Tỉnh/Thành phố *
Quận/Huyện Phường/xã
Địa chỉ
Giới tính *
Kinh nghiệm
Thời gian sẵn sàng để làm việc
CV *

E.g: Uploaded-CV-file.pdf

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